JEPIAG , jepiag , journal every person is a genius , Блог о путешествиях и психологии , самостоятельные путешествия, осознанное путешествие, психолог Киев, Валерия МоденкоJEPIAG , jepiag , journal every person is a genius , Блог о путешествиях и психологии , самостоятельные путешествия, осознанное путешествие, психолог Киев, Валерия Моденко, ЗакатJEPIAG , jepiag , journal every person is a genius , Блог о путешествиях и психологии , самостоятельные путешествия, осознанное путешествие, психолог Киев, Валерия Моденко, БалиJEPIAG , jepiag , journal every person is a genius , Блог о путешествиях и психологии , самостоятельные путешествия, осознанное путешествие, психолог Киев, Валерия Моденко, КитайJEPIAG , jepiag , journal every person is a genius , Блог о путешествиях и психологии , самостоятельные путешествия, осознанное путешествие, психолог Киев, Валерия Моденко, ЕгипетJEPIAG , jepiag , journal every person is a genius , Блог о путешествиях и психологии , самостоятельные путешествия, осознанное путешествие, психолог Киев, Валерия Моденко, СанпрапумJEPIAG , jepiag , journal every person is a genius , Блог о путешествиях и психологии , самостоятельные путешествия, осознанное путешествие, психолог Киев, Валерия Моденко, Фламинго
For Our Foreign Friends

Childish dreams

Every time I’m totally hypnotized with the sky❤. Over the past year I boarded the plane more than 30 times and each trip gave me a new breath. I’m very grateful to the way my life goes, I believe that everything happened is for the best and I know that our wise world takes care of us. Universe listens to us and our dreams, you know.

Whenever I wish something, I mean it. It may take more time, than I foresee, but my goals are always accomplished.  非常好 ?
One story from my life

While being adolescent, some fellows asked me about my dream. Without any hesitation, I answered that I wanted to touch the clouds ? .

– “Come on, we ask you seriously, you’ve misunderstood the question”, they said, accompanying the reply with an ironic grin and an upturned brow.
– “Then, I want all the sunflowers to turn to me, instead of the sun” .

No, listen, I’m totally normal ?, and then I’d already known that clouds are a cluster of water vapour, but …

clouds, china, bali, valeriia modenko, jepiag, vsmthsmb, J!EPIAG, a wing of a plane
Flying to Thailand

A dream is still something magic, childish, naive. It should be illogical, metaphorical and a bit impossible. After all, there are some other notions such as target, aspiration, ambition, plan … What’s wrong with keeping a dream that doesn’t have anything in touch with things mentioned above?

I don’t really know what I’ve misunderstood in their opinion, but every time I see this volumetric fluffy cotton wool (…of course, my brick-phone’s camera simply can’t reflect vivid beauty…), I just want to bury my nose in it. Drag the girl from the window! ?

Paying no attention to the scepticism around, I get huge blast of delight, realizing, that my cherished dreams came true, what I wish all the “slow-witteds” as I am ?

So, the motto is: share dreams, follow your wishes, do crazy things when everybody criticizes you and the way to harmonic happiness will be found.


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